Anping HongXin Wire Mesh Factory

Main products: offer of steel wire mesh ,brass wire cloth ,wire netting ,fence wire mesh ,chain link fence ,floral wire ,barbecue wire mesh ,welded wire mesh ,annealed wire ,cut wire ,window screen

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Hebei Hongxin Wire-drawing&Mesh-weaving Factory . It is a enterprise engaged in manufacturing, processing as well as trading various kinds of iron wire and wire mesh products. Recuring to the advanced condition and effort of all the workers , our factory develpoed to be a corperation with rich technique power , complete test measure have more experience of wire mesh. It is specializing in the production and export of wire mesh including :Wire mesh fence,Welded wire mesh ,Barbecue wire mesh ,Stainless steel wire mesh.Extensively used in mining ,Chemical industry ,Food industry ,Pharmaceutical industry,Safety guards on machinery enclosures,Agriculture ,Building and Transports,commended as credibility quality and good after-sales service by customers .

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameAnping HongXin Wire Mesh Factory
Factory Sanshai,Shandong
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main Productsoffer of steel wire mesh ,brass wire cloth ,wire netting ,fence wire mesh ,chain link fence ,floral wire ,barbecue wire mesh ,welded wire mesh ,annealed wire ,cut wire ,window screen
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We Provideoffer of steel wire mesh ,brass wire cloth ,wire netting ,fence wire mesh ,chain link fence ,floral wire ,barbecue wire mesh ,welded wire mesh ,annealed wire ,cut wire ,window screen
Year Established1989

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